Are you prepared for the buiness world?

This post has been re-produced with kind permission of Gini at SpinSucks. Gini is a communications professional within the PR and online marketing world, and since founding her business she has gone onto secure some great accolades. The team here at Right Managmement found this post recently and decided that it was too good not to share! Although written from a US perspective, her words ring true the world over...

During the summer I fell off the InsidePR bandwagon. Not in terms of recording, but in terms of talking about it here. But I’m baaack! And this week, Martin Waxman, Joe Thornley, and I discuss preparing students and young professionals for the business world.

We’ve talked here before about using the social web to find a job, but this discussion is a bit different. With school back in session, these tips are really for those who need to be figuring out how to begin looking for internships or for a full-time job by summer.

1. Remember your personal brand and that online doesn’t forget. The things you put on the web right now create the person that will follow you around for the rest of your life. You’ve likely already heard it’s a bad idea to not let your friends tag you in photos of you doing body shots, but also think about what you say and what others say about you. As employers, we look at everything about you online to determine what kind of employee you might be and whether or not you might fit our culture. Google sees everything so be cautious.

2. I guest lectured at DePaul a few weeks ago and part of the discussion we had there was about creating a blog. Create a blog! Share what you know professionally (either from internships or the job you’ve already begun) and what you’re learning in school. You don’t have to be an expert in your field to write. Becky Johns is a great example of that. She is a young professional, yet she does a great job writing about her experience working, about her interests in photography and (hopefully) skydiving, and about the influencers she meets. Check out I’m Working On It to see what I mean…we all read her blog and most of us have more experience than she does. So don’t be scared by not having experience.

3. This is the one I cannot stress enough. Engage, engage, engage! You have tools available to you that allow you access not only to the people who work at the companies where you think you might like to work, but to their executives. Use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and blogs to build online relationships with these people. Comment on their blogs. You don’t alway have to agree. Give you opinion, throw in new information, and get them to pay attention to you. It’s funny what happens when someone feels like they know you because you’ve taken an interest in their work…if they can’t hire you, they’ll find someone who can!

4. One of the questions we ask when we interview is, “What was the last book you read?” If you can’t answer that or “what magazines, newspapers, or blogs do you subscribe to?” we’re likely not going to hire you. I have a friend who asked that question of a candidate just the other day and the person said, “Oh I don’t have time to read.” Guess what? No job offer for you! Read, read, read, and subscribe. Not only does a job offer depend on it, your job (once you get it) depends on it. Reading makes you smarter, more open-minded, and a better writer. Get in the habit now.

5. Don’t be negative. You would think this goes without saying, but you’d be amazed at how many people complain non-stop online. I am connected with people who complain daily about their jobs, about their bosses, about the fact that they can’t find a job, about everything. Trust me when I say, some of these people are really good friends, but I would never hire them nor recommend them to be hired because they’re so negative. Be a person people want to be around…online and off.

You can catch the podcast from InsidePR on their website if you want to hear more and see what the advice ius from the professionals.

Do you  have any commnets to make about this? Where are you at now? Are you a business leader with a new perspective? Join the Right Management debate by following us on Twitter or email for more information.


  1. Wow, I'm flattered to be included here. What I've tried to do with my blog is share thoughts about the world from the perspective of a young professional. Combining my love of writing, taking photos and telling stories, I strive to offer a perspective many young people are afraid to share. It's called I'm Working On It because I am. I'm Working On career, my point of view, my knowledge, my skills...just like many others are too.

    GREAT advice here. I highly recommend following each bit!

  2. Katherine Charles - Consultant, Right Management6 October 2010 at 11:22

    There is some really relevant advice here for new graduates which combines the availability of social networking options with the realities of the job market. There are three things you can be doing now to increase your chances of securing a job later:

    Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, network! The virtual world of work provides untold opportunities for networking with individuals and with organisations you are interested in. Utilising sites such as Linked In, Facebook and Twitter provides you with a forum for research and, as Gini recommends, an opportunity to comment on blogs, as well as to create your own. You should never underestimate the benefit of a virtual presence. Whilst these sites will certainly keep you connected and get you noticed, don’t underestimate the power of face to face contact. Connect with your tutors, extended family, your social network, let people know what your ambitions are.

    Secondly, get as much work experience as possible – even the smallest of assignments can provide you with a taster of the working world, and real experiences you can reference during interviews. Contact organisations that you would like to work for, ask them what they are looking for in a graduate.

    Finally, keep up to date with the latest news stories. This doesn’t mean reading the Financial Times from cover to cover (although you can do so if this interests you!) – simply have an awareness of what is going on in the world and how that relates to business.

    With a practical understanding, relevant experience and access to a good network, you can be in the right place, with the right knowledge and in front of the right people when it really counts!
